Mt. Pleasant Ministries

Children’s & Nursery  Ministries
Nursery staff provides a Christian learning environment that addresses the needs of newborns to 12-month-olds. We offer parents an opportunity to enjoy Sunday service while their infants are nurtured in our care.
Children’s Ministry lays the foundation for children up to 12 years of age to learn and understand Christian principles in an interactive, fun environment. has developed a Christian learning process that seeks to meet the wholistic needs of children. We have designed this Ministry to address children at their earliest level of learning. We endeavor to lead them into Christian concepts for learning and living. Participating parents also have an opportunity to enhance their Christian learning and worship patterns as they monitor or assist in this Ministry.
For more information contact: Kim Humphrey, Director
202.332.5748 ext. 36
Office of Christian Education
Christian Education’s (CE) primary commitment is to the holistic growth and maturity of the membership at every age and station of life, from the Nursery and Children’s ministries, to our Seniors’ Bible Class. CE not only equips individuals within and outside the walls of the church with relevant learning opportunities, but it also provides training opportunities for the leaders and instructors who will teach them, including our preachers, musicians, and Sunday School teachers.
For more information contact: Ms. Wallette Stroud, Director, Christian Education/Public Relations
202.332.5748 ext. 18
Membership Assimilation
The goal of Membership Assimilation is to assist members in becoming spiritually employed within the church, effectively utilizing their gifts and abilities. This is done in part during Recruitment Sunday, four consecutive Sundays when the ministries of the church promote themselves and invite new members to participate.
For more information contact:
Lisa Lee-Johnson & Marion S. Williams, Directors
Information Technology Ministry
Maintains the church’s technological infrastructure and provides education to the internal and external community.
For more information contact:
Denise R. Parks, Specialists
Culinary Ministry
The Culinary Ministry provides delicious and well-balanced meals each Sunday, as well as for annual observances and special events.
For more information contact:
Janice Roberts, Director
202.332.5748 ext. 50
Floral Ministry
The official greeters of the church, this ministry is responsible for arranging the flowers that adorn the sanctuary, decorating tables for special observances, and extending hospitality during all worship services.
Meetings: Every 2nd Saturday @ 12 pm
For more information contact:
Willetta Banks, President
Men’s & Women’s Enrichment
Helping men and women ”enrich” their understanding of their faith walk through topical studies and discussions in preparation that one day they may assume a leadership position within the church.
Men’s Enrichment: Every Saturday @ 8 am
Women’s Enrichment: Each 2nd and 4th Saturday @ 8 am
For more information contact:
Rev. David E. Davis, Instructors
For more information contact:
Cynthia Morgan & Nicole Dyson, Instructors
Missionary Ministry
The basic plan of action for the ministry includes, but is not limited to the following: sharing the Gospel with the unsaved; evangelistic prison and homeless outreach; ministering to the bereaved, sick and shut-in; institutional outreach to hospitals, nursing homes and shelters; social services aid and emergency assistance; foreign missions outreach; and support of other mission efforts: e.g. Mt. Bethel Baptist Association, Progressive National Baptist Convention Inc., Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention, and Baptist Convention of DC AND Vicinity.
For more information contact:
Donna Fletcher, Director
Music Ministry
Encouraging adoration of God and enhancing the personal and corporate worship within the congregation. This ministry provides edification, exhortation, and comfort to participants and worshippers.
Rehearsals are:
Praise Team I – Every Tuesday @ 7 pm
Youth Choir –1st and 2nd Saturdays @ 10 am
Male Chorus – Every Thursday @ 7 pm
Sanctuary Choir – Every Tuesday @ 7 pm
Praise Team II –Each 2nd Saturday @ 11:30 am
dates and times subject to change
For more information contact:
Sam Kendrick, Director
New Member Orientation
New Member Orientation (NMO) seeks to help new members prepare for ministry here at Mt. Pleasant. Through a 12-course study, members reinforce their understanding of biblical principles and Christian doctrine, and become familiar with the church’s physical and organizational structure. Classes are held on multiple days to accommodate the varying schedules of members. Classes: Every Saturday @ 9 am & 10:15 am Once a month, on the 3rd of 4th Saturday is Fast Track, up to six classes can be completed Every Sunday @ 9:30 am Every Wednesday @ 7 pm
For more information contact:
Rev. David Davis, Coordinator
This ministry is always prepared to provide first aid, emergency or temporary medical attention. Additionally, this ministry disseminates timely and relevant health education information to the membership.
Meetings: Every 2nd Sunday after the 10:45 service
For more information contact:
Joyce Gregg-Harrison, President
Robert Anderson Scholarship
Robert Anderson Scholarship Ministry is a church-wide ministry that encourages and promotes members to take advantage of every opportunity for training and advancement. Financial scholarships and career development workshops are given for active members of MPBC. RASM was organized in 1967 by the late Pastor Sidney T. Yancey, in honor of the late Rev. Robert Anderson, founder and pastor of MPBC. RASM celebrates its annual day the third Sunday in March, fulfilling their mission with the rewarding of scholarships and adding a blessing to the church’s members by linking their spiritual lives to their work. RASM works to stir up the gifts and talents God has given each of us by challenging persons to continue to grow and learn, and then direct them to use those skills for positive growth and productive gain for God’s Kingdom.
For more information contact:
Barbara Gainey & Valarie Clark, Directors
Senior Citizens
This ministry administers programs and sponsors activities for the general welfare of senior citizens within the church and the community at large. We also encourage senior citizens to use their wisdom and gifts to edify others.
For more information contact:
Senior Citizens’ Ministry, Director
Summer Day Camp
This is an eight-week camp, running from June to August, that is both fun and educational. There are weekly field trips, library visits, swimming, arts and crafts, academic reinforcement and more.
For more information contact:
Rev. Miracle Worrell-Neossi, Director
(202) 332-5748
Sunday School & VBS
The mission statement of the Sunday School is based upon scriptural references found in Deuteronomy 31:12-13: “Gather the people together, men and women and little ones, and the stranger who is within your gates, that they may hear and that they may learn to fear the Lord your God and carefully observe all the words of this law, and that their children, who have not known it, may hear and learn to fear the Lord your God as long as you live in the land which you crossed the Jordan to possess” (NKJV).
For more information contact:
Deacon?????, Superintendent
202.332.5748 ext. 18
This ministry provides sound and video support for Sunday services and all activities held, also manages the sale of and broadcast distribution of all recordings.
For more information contact:
Tony Clark, Director
202.332.5748 ext. 19
This ministry provides safe transportation to and from the Sunday morning services and many of the church’s other special events and activities.
For more information contact:
Deacon Anthony Carter, Director
The Tutorial Ministry is one of the many Outreach Ministries of the Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church. Our mission is to provide students an opportunity to be tutored in academic areas that are challenging and/or difficult. Our goal is to strengthen academic performance in basic areas, as well as specialized coursework. We believe that positive reinforcement, very small groups, and a Christian environment significantly augments family and school involvement in the intellectual development of the child. Tutoring sessions are available in the evenings on Tuesday and Thursday. Registration is required.
For more information contact:
Beverly Dancy, Director
As doorkeepers in the house of God, ushers are charged with the responsibility for meeting and greeting each individual entering the sanctuary, impacting the individual’s worship experience. They also make certain that Bibles, church literature, offering envelopes and other items are in their proper places.
For more information contact:
Anna Rowe, President
Women of Mt. Pleasant (WOMP)
Vision Statement:
To help bring women to maturity and fulfillment in Jesus Christ through a passionate pursuit of God’s will. (Ephesians 4:14-16)
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Women’s Ministry of Mount Pleasant Baptist Church is to bring women together to encourage and strengthen one another and to grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. WOMP seeks to meet the spiritual, physical and emotional needs of all women through prayer, study of God’s word, fellowship, and Christ-centered activities and service to one another.
For more information contact:
Deaconess Oleathea Slaughter, Director, Women’s Ministry
Deaconess Faith Hopkins, Assistant to the Director, Women’s Ministry
Deaconess Paulette Sellers, Advisor, Women’s Ministry
Youth, Young Adult & College Outreach Ministries
This ministry edifies our young people through relevant outings, activities and worship services, including Annual Youth Jam, College Bible Study, and “Hot Topic” Discussions. Youth are teens 13 to 18 years of age, and young adults are 19 to 40 years of age. The 2nd Sunday of each month is “Youth and Young Adult Sunday,” when these groups take the lead in the worship service.
For more information contact:
Min. Gary Brown, Director, Youth Ministry
Min. Miracle Worrell, Director, Young Adult and College Outreach
202.332.5748 ext. 34